
Collaborative learning and exploration tool


Innovation in services

Systems integration

Contact us to find out how we can help you make your sales system talk to your inventory system, or integrate with external services such as payment or delivery services such as Australia Post.

Intelligent machine solutions

From physical or virtual self adjusting agents to help you manage the physical or digital world. This technology is suprisingly affordable and getting more accessible everyday. Use this to benefit your business and your customers. Let us help you find the best fit for your needs.


We are fully committed to supporting our clients - Fix, improve or upgrade your systems and processes that may not be running as you need them to. Contact us to discuss your needs.


Innovation in software


The ultimate data exploration interface. Built specification for the education sector but easy for anyone with a love of exploration.
Customise your own content or get access to our growing library of pre-built datasets complete with many gorgeous images to make the experience shine


The ultimate shopping list application, using intelligent design and with floor maps for 1000s of stores, it will shave time of your shop and allow you to track product spends over time. The ultimate shoppers companion.


An educational lock-screen for your device(s) allowing you to hand over control to a youngster. Designed for pre-school ages it makes the device safe and fun for your kids and gives you control and peace of mind.

Custom Bots

Want a fun, personal, engaging bot for your customers or employees to interact with? Contact us to find out how we can help you make it happen with very little fuss.

Frequently asked questions

What kind of tech do you use?
Mostly we are interested in technology that makes the world a better, "funner", more interesting place for people to live and work. However if you are after specific tech then we probably lean towards Microsoft stack, but with smatterings of many other from Apple, Google, Amazon, Elastic and more.
Do you license or sell your products?
It mostly depends on the product. However if you have questions, thought or desires to buy or license any of our products don't be afraid to get in touch.
How long will it take to develop my idea?
This question depends heavily on what the concept is, however we can work through the process of developing a structure about what work needs to be done, how much prototyping and iterating might need to be done and a solid timeframe and budget for each stage of a project.
How do I buy your products?
Mostly they are in the common "app stores" but also we sell subscriptions or licences after a successful and happy customer is completely setup and happy with the install. Some of our products are not ready yet (work in progress) but we are happy to take enquiries and have even been known to allow businesses or individuals to trial or beta test things before they're ready just to iron out all the bugs. So if you think the product is a good fit, then contact us and we may be able to help each other out!
I want something fast! Can you do it?
Sure! But the old adage applies here -"Fast, Cheap, Good... pick two". There are always trade offs, we are quite aware of this, so please let us know YOUR priorities and we'll work to these to ensure you are totally satisfied. 
Why are some of your products subscription only?
Some of our products are sold on a subscription only model. Mostly this is to keep costs to you down, allow us to manage our revenue and updates more simply and to ensure that the software is always stable and useful to our customers.
Others are subscription only effectively just for the "use of the content", and effectively the software is always free to use.
Got something we haven't addressed below? Please drop us a line via email or the socials!